Recharge Your Body In Few Minutes!! Simple And Easy Way
रिचार्ज करें अपने शरीर को कुछ ही मिनटों में
Food Rich In Fibre And Protein
A common cause of low energy levels in the morning and afternoon is low blood glucose levels. By eating a snack, your blood sugar level will become normal and you will feel energetic, However, all types of foods will not help you. As much as possible, you have to choose the option of fiber-rich carbohydrate plus protein. This healthy combo will strengthen your body and make you feel full till your next meal.
Some of the best food items you can eat are peanut butter sandwich, fruit juice, Greek yogurt topped with berries and a handful of nuts with some fresh fruit.
Workout And Exercise
One of the most common ways of promoting your energy is to workout and walk. As you know, stretching and walking improve your blood flow, boost your metabolism, and increase your heart rate. All these effects will make you feel more alert and energetic. Apart from this, exercising regularly will ensure your fitness, A good quality sleep will give you more energy when you wake up. Therefore, instead of sitting all day, try to stand up, stretch and stroll every hour. Your five to ten minutes walk is enough to wake your dull body.
Power Nap
You might have noticed that in the afternoon your energy level is slightly low, so a quick nap is an excellent solution that you can take. Typically, a nap restores your energy level and enhances your alertness. Nap is an effective way to reduce the risk and reduce your risk of heart diseases. Therefore, if you are relaxing a bit in the afternoon, then there are many health benefits.
Walking In Sunlight
The way to wake your lethargic body is to walk out of your office or home. Walking under the sun will only improve your blood flow. Breathing in some fresh air can also help to make your brain and body energetic. Also, by acquiring some sunlight you can feel awake and alert by increasing your serotonin (happy hormone) level and lowering your melatonin (sleep hormone) levels. An additional bonus is that the sun's rays can also provide other health benefits, such as improving your sleep quality and strengthening your immune system.
Drink Water(Avoid Dehydration)
One common cause of fatigue is dehydration. Basically, when you are dehydrated, your blood volume decreases, so that your body is hard to push oxygen and other essential nutrients in your body. Consequently, you will feel less energetic. The easiest way to defeat dehydration and fatigue is to drink at least 8 glasses (8 oz) of water per day.
Listen to Music
If you are feeling tired and lethargic in the afternoon, then you can listen to an exciting song, upbeat music. It stimulates your blood flow and increases your heart rate.
Tea, Coffe
Drinking herbal tea and other energy booster drink increase your body energy level. It instantly recharges your body and gives energy to your body
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